If the user is having problems with hardstop cylinders at high stroke speeds and/or loose linear rails, retrofit parts will need to be purchased (see attached video clip). https://itwconnect.sharepoint.com/:v:/r/sites/ITWEAESG/Shared%20Documents/e09c39d64a051db75fc38f0b8eadcd1d.mp4?csf=1&web=1&e=4ZBmVZ
Hi Team,
We would like to introduce the following hardstop improvements for non-tool users who are concerned about the following issue.
- Hardstop cylinder (P10088) high traveling speed, and/or
- Linear rail (P10237) screws loose problem.
- Replace 2 x P6792 (Elbow, Fitting) to 2 x P9833 (Elbow, Fitting, Flow Control),
- Replace linear rail (P10237) mounting screws from 4 x M2x5mm SHCS to 4 x M2x8mm SHCS. Use of Loctite 271 to secure the four SHCS.
Note: The P9833 is meter-out type.
To stop your air cylinder from stuttering, you need to use a “Meter-Out” configuration. Why? You always want to control the exhaust air out of a double acting air cylinder. This will give a smooth flow of the air, and act as a speed limit to the air chamber that is being pressurized.
A meter-out circuit is the best control to avoid air-cylinder lunging. In the case of an air system, pressure builds slowly, and cylinder movement may be jerky.