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Protocol3 Profile Programming

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Protocol3 Profile Programming Video

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Protocol three, Profile programming.

The Protocol three control has three modes of operation.  Manual Mode, Timer Mode and Profile mode.

This tutorial will cover how to program a basic profile to be used in the profile mode.

From the Select a Mode screen, press the down arrow to highlight Profile Mode, then press enter.

A new oven will have no profiles available to select.

Press the left arrow to return to the Select a Mode screen.

Before starting to enter the profile into the control, it is a good idea to put is down on paper.

There is a table in the Protocol3 manual that can be filled out to make entering a profile easier.

For this tutorial we will assume we have an oven where the output relays are used for the following.

Relay one, is for cooling.

Relay two, is unused.

Relay three, is for N2 purge.

Relay four, is for N2 maintain.

Relay five, is for end of cycle.

The temperature profile will ramp up to 200 degrees in 2 hours.

Then dwell or hold at 200 degrees for 3 hours.

The dwell step will have an auto hold type of below setpoint, with a hold value of 5 degrees.

The next step will ramp down to 80 degrees at a rate of 90 degrees per hour.

Then the profile will end with event 1 active.

To begin programming the profile into the control, press the up arrow and enter button at the same time.

The display should change to the Main Menu.

Press down arrow to highlight Profile Setup, then press enter.

With Enter Profiler Mode Unlock Code displayed, press the up arrow to enter the default Unlock code of zero, zero, one, zero.  Then press enter.

Press the down arrow to select Create a profile.  Then press enter.

Enter a profile name.   Use the up and down arrow buttons to change the highlighted letter, then press enter to move to the next position.

For this example, we will use Profile one.

Now we will start entering the profile header settings.

Profile Start Trigger.   None equals the profile will start as soon as you select start.  After delay, equals the profile will start after a set time has elapsed after start is selected.  Day and Time equals, the profile will start when a set day and time arrives.  

For this example, we will select None, and press enter.

Profile Recovery Method.

This sets what the control does after power is restored after a power failure.

For this example, we select Control Off, and press enter.

Profile Abort Action.

This sets what happens if you press stop in the middle of a profile.

For most applications you select Control Off, and press enter.

How Many Times to Cycle Program.

Some applications require the oven to go through a heat and cool cycle many times.

This sets the number of times to repeat the steps in the profile.

For this example, we will set to 1, and press enter.

Segment number 1.

Now we will begin to enter the information for the individual segments of the profile.

Press enter.

Segment type.

According to the table we filled in for the profile the segment 1, segment type is a Ramp Time.

Ensure Ramp Time is highlighted and press enter.

Target Setpoint.

The segment 1 setpoint is 200.  Press the up arrow to change the value.  Holding the arrow, the number will change faster.

After the value is set to 200, press enter.

Segment Ramp time.

This is the time that it will take the control to ramp the setpoint up to target setpoint.  Note the value is in the hours, minutes, seconds format.

Use arrows to change the values, and press enter to go from hour to minutes or minutes to seconds.

After time is set, press enter.

Auto Hold Type

This sets how the control handles a temperature deviation from setpoint.

None equals the time will continue no matter what the oven temperature is in relation to the setpoint.

Above Setpoint equals the profile time will go into hold if the oven temp is a set amount above the current control setpoint.

Below Setpoint equals the profile time will go into hold if the oven temp is a set amount below the current control setpoint.

Band equals the profile time will go into hold if the oven temp is above or below the current control setpoint by a set amount.

For this segment we will leave at none, and press enter.

Output relay, event settings.

For segment one, we want event three active for N2 purge, and all the other events inactive.

Use the arrow buttons to change the value, and press enter to move to the next parameter.

Segment two.

Set segment two as a Dwell type.

Enter a three-hour dwell time at 200 degrees.

For Auto Hold Type set to Below Setpoint, so that the dwell time won’t start until the oven temp is close to the setpoint.

Auto hold value, is the allowed deviation from setpoint before the process time goes into hold.

A common setting is around 3 to 5 degrees.  If set too small, the process time may start and stop as the temp goes in and out of the deviation range.

Segment two event setting is for only event 4 to be active.

Segment 3.

Select Ramp rate for segment type.

Enter 80 for the Target Setpoint.

Enter the Segment Ramp Rate in Units per hour.

This can be a tricky parameter to set, as the numbers speed up just at the wrong time.

With a little patients, you will get it set.

When set, press enter.

Auto hold type for segment 3 is set to none.

Event status for segment 3 is event one and event 4 active.

Segment 4.

Is the end segment.

Notice there are also options for hold, loop and join.

A hold segment will wait for an operator key press, or for a day and time.

A loop segment will loop back to a previous segment and repeat the segments between a set number of times.

A join segment will join this profile with another profile.

For this example, select End, and press enter.

Segment End Type tells the control what to do when the profile ends.

We will use Control Off with Events as we want to keep event 1 on when the profile ends.

Make only Event 1 Active.

Enter through the rest of the events, and your profile is created.

Press enter to go back to the Profile Setup screen.

Now that there is a profile in the control’s memory, there are more menu options on this screen.

You can,

Edit a Profile Header.

Edit a Profile Segment.

Insert a Segment.

Delete a Segment.

Delete a Profile.

Or Delete All Profiles.

To exit the Profile setup screen, press and hold the enter button, and press the up arrow several times until you get back to the Select a Mode screen.

From the Select a Mode screen, select Profile Mode and press enter.

Your profile is ready to start.

Press enter and the profile will start.

Dan is the author of this solution article.

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