Smartsheet is an online tool provided by ITW EAE where customers can look up current spare parts pricing as well as other characteristics of the parts such as the weight and HTS code. If you are interested in being considered for Smartsheet access, please contact our Spare Parts Team at [email protected].
Once you have access to Smartsheet, here is some important information to keep in mind.
Spare parts that appear on Smartsheet:
- Smartsheet includes spare parts that have been transacted in the last 24 months, are considered high moving/stocked, and have confirmed quoted material
- New items are added to the Smartsheet monthly as applicable.
- Pricing is reviewed mid-year and year-end; otherwise it will not change during the year.
- The only exception (rare) to this pricing policy is when material goes obsolete, and we replace it with another part number. We try to keep the pricing the same but sometimes the pricing for the new part may be different than the original part.
- We publish the next year’s price list via Smartsheet 60 days prior to the new year so that Smartsheet users have advance notice for the upcoming year.
Spare parts NOT on Smartsheet:
- Spare parts that are low volume items, new items, or items we haven’t transacted in a long time may not be included in the Smartsheet tool.
- We are not able to freeze pricing on these parts and must validate information before setting a price.
- You should contact the Spare Parts team at [email protected] to request a formal quote (valid for 60 days) for any spare parts not included on Smartsheet.